Science in sixth grade covers topics in earth science and life science. In earth science, we study thermal energy, plate tectonics, the Earth's structure and its changing topography, and nonrenewable resources. In life science, we learn about ecosystems, evolution, and the fossil record. Throughout the year we emphasize skills in scientific investigation and thoughtful inquiry7th-grade science includes overviews of basic chemistry, biology, and physics. Science process skills are taught and reinforced through a hands-on approach. Students are given the opportunity to use balances, microscopes, and dissection tools, among other scientific apparatus.Physics, chemistry, and biology are covered in greater detail in 8th grade, with marine a specific emphasis. In physics, students study velocity, force, density, and buoyancy. Topics in chemistry include the structure of matter, the periodic table, and reactions. In biology, students study classification and the chemistry of living systems. Astronomy is also taught in 8th grade science.
Science Staff

Luke Webb

Emma Whitwell

(831) 464-5630 ext. 443